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The Distribution And Market Trends Of PCB Industry

Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta region is the domestic electronic products in more developed regions, but also the birthplace of IT and PCB enjoys a unique advantage in the region, human resources, economic environment, currently in industrial upgrading. PCB low-end products gradually transferred to other parts of the Mainland, and high-end products and high value-added products continue to be concentrated in the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta region. The future of domestic PCB industry is likely to form the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta and a high-end PCB manufacturing equipment, materials research and development base; in the Yangtze River including Chongqing, Sichuan, Hubei, Anhui and other e-business world five hundred two hours as the leading economic industrial belt; and the industrial structure of Guangdong Northwest processing zones HZMB after the opening; as a leader of the North Dalian Bohai Bay economic circle. China's rigid plate (single-sided, double-sided, multilayer, HDI board) share reached 70%, of which the proportion of the 50% of plywood accounted for the largest proportion, followed by soft board with 15.6% share of second place. Due to the pressure of oversupply, most manufacturers to enter the price war, output growth lower than expected. PCB domestic product from the future development trend, output growth is slightly lower than the increase in sales was mainly the product structure gradually multilayered, high-precision development. Our multilayer and HDI board is in the industry's growth, have been expanding, technology has become more sophisticated. MLB is still the mainstream market development; and HDI board by the downstream electronic information product upgrades demand-pull, is in a period of rapid development. PCB manufacturing enterprises are mainly distributed in mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, North America and Europe and other six areas. Global printed circuit board industry more scattered, many manufacturers, the market leader has not yet appeared. Although China is now the point of view of industrial scale has been the world's first, but the PCB industry overall technical level is concerned, still lags behind the world advanced level. In the product structure, plywood accounted for most of the output value of the proportion, but most of the 8th floor below the low-end products, HDI, flexible board have a certain scale, but in the technical content and the presence of Japanese and other foreign advanced products Gap, highest-tech IC carrier in the country is very few companies are able to produce. The number of foreign-funded enterprises accounted for only 10% of the number of PCB enterprises, but two-thirds of the output value of China's PCB industry. Our focus on the low-end enterprise products, enterprise few international brands.

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