With military applications continue to drive GaN device market, and its commercial applications has been formed, which will help accelerate the growth of GaN market. U.S. strategic forecasting company recently released "2012 ~ 2017 GaN microelectronics market," concluded that in 2012 the entire GaN microelectronic devices market revenue slightly below $ 100 million. The report also predicted that commercial RF and power management applications in a substantial increase in the forecast period will begin, which will promote the GaN slightly higher than the overall market to $ 334 million in 2017. The company and the compound semiconductor gallium arsenide technology services department EricHigham pointed out that "for many years, GaN device market has been preparing to take off. According to our recent research, it seems that some segments of the commercial market, such as cable TV and wireless infrastructure, etc. the sharp growth, but the broader commercial market has not yet fully entered the production stage and we look forward to seeing more of these business areas to promote the GaN market growth. "Strategic Technical Director AsifAnwar added, "Despite the rapid growth in commercial applications, but the military applications of GaN devices will continue to occupy the market by 2017 more than half of the revenue. GaN devices in the military field advantage is obvious, it will continuously promote the GaN size of the market. "The report also discusses the GaN technology advantages, challenges and trends, as well as commercial and military market segments differences, summarized the research project details GaN and its contribution to the development of the current technology. |
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GaN Microelectronics Market Revenue In 2017 Is Expected To R